1st European Lisp and Scheme Workshop

June 13 - Oslo - Norway - co-located with ECOOP 2004

   Other Details

This workshop is co-located with ECOOP 2004. Please visit the ECOOP 2004 website for more information about hotels, traveling, and so on. However, since this workshop is not part of ECOOP 2004, you cannot register with it at the ECOOP website.


The workshop fee will be 25 Euro (about 210 NOK or 30 US$). This will cover the costs of a joint lunch and coffee breaks during the workshop.


You can register with the workshop by sending an email to costanza@cs.uni-bonn.de. Please only register with the workshop when you are sure that you will be able to attend the workshop. You may succeed to attend the workshop without registration, but pre-registered participants will of course take precedence. (The capacity of the room where the workshop takes place is limited!)

Please mention your name and your affiliation, so that we can prepare receipts to be handed out at the workshop venue. Please also let me know if you are interested in a joint dinner on the workshop day.


The workshop will take place at the Norsk Regnesentral (Norwegian Computing Center) on the fourth floor. There is also a map at that website.


In case you also attend ECOOP, you are able to book a room at a hotel together with the ECOOP registration. Otherwise, you may use the accomodation information at the ECOOP website as a starting point for booking a room for yourself. If you need more information please mention this in the mailing list.

Mailing List

There is a mailing list for workshop participants. Please register first with the workshop before subscribing to the mailing list. It is actually a Yahoo group, but you do not need to become a Yahoo member in order to use the mailing list service. (If you choose to become a Yahoo member, please check the marketing preferences that are by default very advertisement-friendly. This advice only affects Yahoo members, not those who just use the mailing list.)